Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's about that time again

Starting to think about Christmas crafts. I loved our Advent tree last year, with a special craft for each day, but some of the crafts were just too time-consuming. So I need to figure out more doable projects for the kids this year.

But first we will make another Thanksgiving tree.

Our Pumpkin Patch

It was time to take down the paper flowers from the dining room door. So we made pumpkins! Audrey was so excited to get a hold of the glue stick, and so smeared glue all over the front of her pumpkin. Isaac wanted to make a "glanten lightler" (jack-o-lantern) which explains the smiley face.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Advent crafts

In preparation of Christmas this year, I created an Advent tree with various activities planned for each day. So I hit Hobby Lobby last week for craft supplies, and discovered the greatness of foam. I love that stuff!

So the first four days were spent creating Christmas mobiles, made of these foam pieces. Day one was the base of the mobile, day two was the tree, day three was the ornaments, and day four was the gift box. The letters were pre-cut and pre-stickered, so that was super easy. The ornament balls on the tree were strips of foam run through my Xyron, and then hole-punched. The ornaments just have marker drawings on them. For the gifts, I ran wrapping paper scraps and ribbon through the Xyron, and stuck them to foam scraps. I think they turned out great!

Snowmen that we made last week:

Poor Quentin - he's too little to be involved in any of this, and I'm not making stuff for him. I will when we make dough ornaments, though.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Completed album

One of the albums I worked on (and finished!) during the month of February was Isaac's view of life. He loves to take pictures, and these pages capture some of his best photos:


February was a busy scrapping month for me. I joined a message board for scrappers, and one of the challenges was to do a layout a day (LOAD). Although, it was really do a layout 20 of the 29 days. It was a lot of fun to try to fit that in most days, and I was able to get a lot done. Although toward the end of the month it got very difficult to focus, what with my morning sickness.

Here are some of my favorites from the month:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pictures are ordered!

I started out with over 1700 pictures loaded to Shutterfly for this order. That's a lot of pictures, and I knew I didn't want them all. So I whittled it down, first to 1010, then 907, and then finally to 759. But oops! I forgot to load the pictures that Bec had to load onto a CD for me. So of those 350 or so, I ordered 88 (but still have another 70 to print).

I am going to have a lot of pictures to start my new projects! Yea!

I did finish my last two pages to finish up Isaac's beach pictures. I also finished up Audrey's baby book - the last page is all about family, so I used pictures of us at the horse farm.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The diet is done!

I completed my 51st page today! Woo-hoo!

I still have two pages left to do of the pictures I actually have left, so I will get those done before breaking into my new stash. Which I just went out and bought today. It was so much fun to restock my alphas!

I will start on Audrey's book next, but I have to order pictures. It's taking me a long time just to resize them, so I don't even have them uploaded to Shutterfly yet. We have so many pics, and iPhoto is really slow (I think it's from upgrading to Leopard), so it may be awhile. I just need to have pics before February 8, my next crop night.